Subject: HFC:V2.0 Hormonal Forecaster Author: Brian Frackelton Uploaded By: TBW 1999 Date: 11/27/2000 File: (2214041 bytes) Estimated Download Time (41151 baud): < 14 minutes Download Count: 465 Needs: an UnZIPing program, VB 6.0 Run Time Files Keywords: Hormonal Forecaster, Hormone, Forecaster, Pregnancy, Prevention, Frackelton, Ovulation, Fertility, Calendar, Natural Family Planning, Menstruation, Calculate, SW Type Shareware Program version date: 11/20/2000 Hormonal Forecaster easily charts ovulation and fertility to help you achieve or avoid conception by charting the most fertile days of a woman's mentrual cycle. The program uses Natural Family Planning techniques such as symptothermal fertility, basal body temperatures, cervical mucus observations, and the calendar method. Let the program do all the calculations for you or utilize the fertility charting feature to interpret your own ovulation charts. The Hormonal Forecaster also generates personal statistics based upon recorded data. You can chart up to 20 moods and/or behaviors telling you everything such as what days you're prone to have headaches, be full of energy, experience menstrual cramps, or anything else you're interested in tracking. *Note* The AOL autodecompress feature will not work with this file. You must have an UnZIPping program such as Winzip. To install, Decompress the HFCSET.ZIP file, execute the resulting SETUP.EXE file. To Run, execute the HFC.EXE file or click on it's associated icon. For support contact author at AOL screenname: TBW 1999 mb